The wondrous world of wine

The goal is to find comfort, emotion, and live the experience. In other words, the important thing is how you walk with wine, how you feel, and how you connect.



We are looking for purity, intensity, complexity, finesse, elegance through successive observations of the colour, smell, and taste. We talk about basic notions such as structure and balance, maturity and typicity. The technique becomes the starting point for exploring new know-how in tasting.


The wine’s robe

First, taste is a colour. Colour is like a play, it immediately talks to your mood. A moment to see and feast your eyes on colour intensities, hues and reflections. With time and more wines to come, aspects of the colour will become more recognisable and correlative to the type and character of the wine you taste – the typicity of the colour.

Pleasure of smelling and sense of taste

Holding the glass, you start noticing the aromas escaping it. The first nose is always a surprise: the first hint. The most delicate moment while the wine opens with the oxygen in the air. It is where you identify the very fine characteristic – balance that waves.


After swirling, the wine offers itself more generously. You are able to identify more aroma characteristics and see more of its structure. A great wine keeps building in intensity as the oxygen gets in the glass. With that, an opportunity to think and comprehend in awe moments.


In the mouth, the first attack informs you about the texture: silk, rich textured, transparent (with the feels of minerality). What comes next will mark the wine’s structure: the balance between the different elements of the wine.


The finale, the sensation that the wine leaves you with, you must notice. First and last impressions count: a boost of inspiration and energy. The comeback of taste plays an important part – persistence. Last, but not least, length is as important as balance.


Maria Samou is from Thessaloniki, Greece. With a background studying oenology in Bordeaux, France, and an appreciation for the art of tasting, she teaches the fundamentals of wine tasting with a sense of simplicity and with a strong focus on the sobriety of the experience.


The tastings are taking place online – in live virtual classes via Zoom (individual or group classes). The wines are shipped throughout Greece and the world.